Do you want a course that gives you an honest and realistic look at painful shoulders and does NOT promise quick fixes or miracle cures?
Do you want a course that recognises the need for an evidenced-based individualised approach and NOT mindless protocols or cookie-cutter recipes?
Do you want a no-nonsense bullshit-free course that is suitable for all therapists regardless of their professional titles or experience levels?


As a physio with a keen interest in the painful shoulder, I have been fortunate enough to learn from some of the world's leading experts.
However, I the more I learnt from them the more confused I became with their conflicting and complicated methods and treatments which left me feeling lost and frustrated.
So I decided to focus on doing the simple things really well, and I soon realised that although painful shoulders are complex, there treatment doesn't have to be complicated.
This led me to design my own course to help other therapists navigate through this minefield of confusion and over complexity and find a way to get great results with a more simple, person-centred approach.
This widely acclaimed course is now recognised as one of the world's leading shoulder assessment and treatment resources, and has been taught in over 20 countries to 1000’s of clinicians over the last 15 years.
This course is constantly evolving and based on the latest research and evidence but also based on practical principles that are adaptable and transferable to many other painful areas.
This course will provide you with the confidence that a simple approach is both effective and efficient, and get your body working as hard as your brain.
This course is practical, pragmatic, educational and entertaining giving you an unforgettable experience and lots of useful tips that you can use with your patients immediately.

09:00 - Simplifying the Shoulder
10:30 - COFFEE
11:00 - Anatomy & Biomechanics
12:30 - LUNCH
13:30 - Scapulas and Necks
15:00 - COFFEE
15:30 - Stiff Shoulders
17:00 - Close
09:00 - Weak Shoulders
10:30 - COFFEE
11:00 - Rehab Practical Session
12:30 - LUNCH
13:30 - Loose Shoulders
15:00 - COFFEE
15:30 - Rehab Practical Session
17:00 - Close
Simplify the assessment and management of the most commonly encountered shoulder problems
Expose the myths and misunderstandings that exist around shoulder anatomy, biomechanics, and pathology
Explore how to assess, diagnose, and treat all types of shoulder issues in many different people
Examine how to assess shoulder movement, strength, power, endurance, and proprioception
Practice all levels of shoulder rehab exercise and learn how to design a simple, effective, and progressive program