Embrace The Absurd...

Nov 10, 2024

a 5-minute read

Absurdism is a philosophical outlook that explores the contradiction between our desire for meaning and purpose in life and the indifferent, chaotic nature of the world we live in.

We live in a world where if you work hard and succeed many people will hate and resent you for it. If you try to spread your wings there are people who will cut them off before you even learn how to fly.

Because of this we often think life is tragic because its difficult and wretched, and we constantly find ways to blame others, making us cold, resentful and bitter.

Many of us go through life with beliefs that we have a destiny, a purpose and a meaning and when things prevent us from achieving this we feel like a failure, disillusioned and demoralised

However, absurdism states that there is NO meaning or purpose in life.

Wait, How Is That Helpful?

When you’ve been led to believe there is a purpose or meaning to your life, you will try to search for it. You will try to find it in hobbies, or in your job, and even sometimes in other people. But when you are unable to find it you experience negative emotions of worthlessness and nothingness.

So what if I told you that you don’t ‘need’ to find meaning? What if there is no meaning and the journey of life is far more important than the lesson it teaches?

At its core, absurdism acknowledges the contradictions and irrationalities of the human condition. It recognizes that life is inherently meaningless and devoid of inherent value. You are a speck of dust in an infinite universe, so get over yourself. You haven't been created to come into this life with a defined goal or purpose!

However, absurdism isn't nihilism. Instead of succumbing to despair, absurdism invites you to confront the absurdity of your existence head-on and then find meaning in the face of chaos. Not sit around like Nietzsche and whine and moan about it.

How Absurdism Helped Me!

Five years ago, I had a group of physios submit multiple complaints against me to the UK's Healthcare regulatory body about my so-called unprofessional behaviour on social media.

In a nutshell, these complaints boil down to me expressing my frustrations at someone who had been undermining my reputation for years due to me questioning their teachings and methods, as well as my challenging and calling out of poor practice, misinformation, and some use of adult language on social media.

Initially, I was angered, enraged and frustrated at their complaints and actions and it caused me a lot of stress, anxiety and a good few sleepless nights. 

However, as I started to read more about and embrace the philosophy of absurdism I thought...

  • I have no control over what everyone thinks of me
  • I do not need to worry about what everyone thinks of me
  • These complaints are reflections of these people's insecurities and jealousy
  • Being a physio is not the only job in the world that I can excel and succeed in

The moment I started adding “so what” to these feelings, life started to feel better

  • So what if some people dont like me or the language I use
  • So what if I lose my physio registration for disagreeing with some people

When I took a “so what” attitude and started to not waste my time or energy on things I have no control over, I started to not only feel happier, but I also started to succeed even more.

Since these complaints were made five years ago my social media reach has more than quadrupled, and I am being invited to lecture and teach more and more all over the world.

But more importantly, I am helping more and more people who have been affected by misinformation and silly bullshit on social media.

How To Be Absurd?

1: Embrace Freedom

Instead of passively accepting your existence and others' directives of what you can and can not do. Take ownership of your own choices and actions. Embrace the freedom to create your own meaning and purpose in life, and take responsibility for shaping your own destiny.

Don’t allow others' jealousy insecurity or perceived authority stop you from creating your dreams and goals.

2: Find Meaning in the Chaos

While life sometimes feels chaotic and uncontrollable, recognise you have the power to create your own path and route through it. Instead of searching for ultimate truths or universal meaning to life, focus on finding meaning in the journey of life.

Rather than waiting for external validation, find fulfilment in the pursuit of your passions and the cultivation of meaningful relationships. Dont waste time on people you dont need to.

3. Cultivate Resilience

Life is uncertain, and setbacks are inevitable. Somedays you’re gonna feel like conquering a mountain, other days even getting out of bed feels like a chore. But remember, you’re not here to put on a show for anyone. This is your life and you decide how to live it.

Absurdism teaches us to embrace these challenges as natural aspects of the human experience. By cultivating resilience and learning to adapt to adversity, we can bounce back stronger, wiser, and more determined to pursue our goals and aspirations.

Absurdism all comes down to two things

  • Create your own purpose to live the life you want
  • Don’t let setbacks and fears paralyse you from pursuing your dreams.

As always thanks for reading


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